Welcome Metropolitan Schools and schools, which is generally perceived as outstanding amongst other state-funded colleges in the nation. As a network of researchers, we eagerly grasp our past, praise our present achievements, and viably plan for what's to come. We are additionally the main decision for our state's students from other schools and giving alumni to the nation's economy. We are additionally offshoot focal point of the University of London and are tops among all state colleges for grown-up graduates and some more. Also, we can provide low cost school franchise in Pakistan. Our scholarly projects are offered in best in class offices and our understudies live and learn in a domain that is tastefully satisfying, scholasticallyanimating, and socially advancing. While we pay attention to our job in planning understudies for future vocations and progressed academic interests, we likewise perceive that school is something other than homerooms and coursework. All things considered, we urge understudies to take an interest in athletic and social occasions on grounds too. In fact, there is something to fit the remarkable interests and capacities of each understudy at MIUC. We are focused on building a network that is given to understudy achievement and qualities singular learning, development and administration. It underscores our guiding principle of genuineness and uprightness; regard for decent variety; commitment in the network; and resolving to reason, advancing harmony, receptiveness, and globalization. We signal this dedication with a basic expression: "Step into your future" I urge you to visit the grounds and see with your own eyes the distinction that MIUC can make in your future. On the off chance that you can't arrive immediately, investigate our virtual visit at www.miuc.com.pk; to perceive what is a piece of MIUC is truly similar to. Beyond question, it is a life-changing encounter that can transform you. It is a genuine benefit to lead an establishment that is a clear energy every day! I look forward to helping our understudies their own interesting stories and giving them courses of events and destinations of University positions everywhere throughout the world.